The date was January 18th and we were starting off the new year in the proper way. It was time for the 1st part of one of the most anticipated Coding Girls’ Courses – JavaScript Basics. All of the seats were taken in less than 3 hours after the announcement of the course (which was very exciting!).
There were quite a few familiar faces and also some new ones, each of them was eager to expand her knowledge and dive deeper into the fascinating world of programming. We all took the time to quickly introduce ourselves and after that, our mentor – Todor Nikolov, wasted no time and took us down the road.
Alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the three core technologies that are widely used for Website Building. Its purpose is to make webpages dynamic and interactive.
Everyone began by creating an Index HTML file and then a JavaScript one. The next thing was to output data in JavaScript which turned out to be quite easy to comprehend. We learned that “Alert ();” is a function that displays whatever you write in the brackets as a pop-up on your webpage. We also used “Console.log();” and even learned how to add comments that do not display on the webpage and are only visible when you go through the code itself which is very useful if more than one person is working on the same project and need to leave some notes for each other.
Another thing that was quite interesting was that JavaScript can hold many data types, such as numbers, strings, objects, booleans and etc. Our instructor Todor gave us several very illustrative examples for each data type which was much more helpful than just having the matter simply explained to you in a few words.
Before finishing the first part of this course, Todor gave us the chance to ask questions if something wasn’t clear enough. He was quick to answer all of them in a way for everyone to understand.
The participants were given a homework to work on and test the new information that was presented to them.
The next three parts of the “JavaScript Basics” course will be held every Thursday until the 8th of February at 3Hub, who is kind enough to give us the opportunity to use their space and host the events for free. The course is only for registered participants.